ACARS Technology

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ACARS Technology

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86661_fmscthales_12661586661_fmscthales_126615905×536 63.7 KB ACARS Technology

ACARS is a digital datalink system for transmission of short messages between aircraft and ground stations via airband radio or satellite. The protocol was designed by ARINC and deployed in 1978, using the Telex format.


Representation-of-the-ACARS-sub-systemsRepresentation-of-the-ACARS-sub-systems850×557 36.7 KB

Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) is a digital data link system for the transmission of messages between aircraft and ground stations. At first it relied exclusively on VHF channels but more recently it is now also used in HF & UHF channels. Alternative means of data transmission have been added which have greatly enhanced its geographical coverage. There has also been a rapid trend towards the integration of aircraft systems with the ACARS link. Both have led to rapid growth in its use as an operational communications tool.

Message Content

ACARS messages may be of three types based upon their content:

● Air Traffic Control (ATC) ● Aeronautical Operational Control (AOC) ● Airline Administrative Control (AAC)


acars_signalacars_signal851×945 161 KB Parameter Value Pre-key 16 characters All binary “ones” Bit Sync 2 characters “+” , “*” Character Sync 2 characters SYN, SYN (0x16) Start of Heading 1 character SOH (0x01) Mode 1 character Address 7 characters Technical Acknowledgement 1 character Label 2 characters Block Identifier 1 character Start of Text 1 character STX (0x02) - if no text ETX (0x03) Text 220 characters maximum, printable characters only Suffix 1 character, if single or terminal block ETX, else ETB (0x17) Block Check Sequence 16 bits BCS Suffix 1 character DEL (0x7f)

Messages may be single or multi-block. The pre-key sequence and the BCS have no parity bits.

ACARS communications are divided into Category A and Category B.

Using Category A, an aircraft may broadcast its messages to all ground stations. This is denoted by an ASCII “2” in the Mode field of the downlink message.

Using Category B an aircraft transmits its message to a single ground station. This is denoted by an ASCII character in the range “@” to “]” in the Mode field of the downlink message.

Technical Specification

Frequency Range: VHF

Operation Mode: CSMA / CD packet ARQ system

Modulation: AM, SUB FSK

Frequency Center: 1800 Hz

ACARS Frequency List | VHF

AOC20NewAOC20New1162×648 79.1 KB FREQUENCY REGION / COUNTRY 131.550 Primary Channel worldwide 129.125 Additional channel for USA & Canada 130.025 Secondary channel for USA and Canada 130.425 Additional channel for USA 130.450 Additional channel for USA & Canada 131.125 Additional channel for USA 131.450 Primary channel for Japan 131.475 Air Canada company channel 131.525 European secondary 131.725 Primary channel in Europe 136.700 Additional channel for USA 136.750 Additional channel for USA 136.800 Additional channel for USA 136.900 European secondary 136.850 SITA North American Frequency 136.750 New European frequency 131.850 New European frequency

ACARS_Message_(3555653334)ACARS_Message_(3555653334)1920×1278 72.3 KB Receiving & Decoding Live ACARS [ VHF ]

Hardware Requirement

RTL-SDR with Antenna External Antenna Outdoor ( To increase signal Sensitivity while receiving ) - Optional Raspberry Pi ( If you want to decode ACARS data 24/7 ) - Optional

Supported OS

Supported OS ( Linux ) Kali Linux Ubuntu Rasbian

Environment / Hypervisor Setup


Step 1: Download Zadig RTL-SDR Drivers: Link

Step 2: Once Dowload is completed. Connect RTL-SDR to PC and launch Zadig Software.

Screenshot 2022-03-19 144252Screenshot 2022-03-19 144252828×337 43.8 KB

Step 3: Click on options, then List All Devices Screenshot 2022-03-19 124535

Step 4: Select Bulk-In, interface (Interface 0)


Step 5: Now click on install WCID Driver. For me it showing Replace Driver as i’m replacing the existing driver of my RTL-SDR.

Step 6: Once the above step is completed, the PC will recorgnize RTL-SDR as USB device.

Step 7: Hypervisor Setup ( Ubuntu ) - Setup guide

Note: the steps for setting up OS in Vmware will be similar for other OS.

Step 8: Click on edit virtual machine settings.

Screenshot 2022-06-24 210018Screenshot 2022-06-24 2100181920×1028 58.5 KB

Step 9: Now Change the USB compatibility to USB 3.1

Screenshot 2022-06-24 210044Screenshot 2022-06-24 210044887×901 19.9 KB

Step 10: Now Launch the Vmware.

Step 11: Once you logged into the OS, Click on Player => removable devices => RTL-SDR => Click Connect.

Screenshot 2022-06-24 211541Screenshot 2022-06-24 2115411920×1028 62.8 KB

Step 12: Check if RTL-Sdr is connect or not by typing lsusb to see the connected devices.

Screenshot 2022-06-24 222310Screenshot 2022-06-24 2223101920×1028 211 KB Raspberry Pi Step 1: Download & install Raspberry pi imager Software : link

Screenshot 2022-06-24 224353

Step 3: Baking the Pi - Setup guide ( Timestamp 13:48 - 17:33 )

Step 4: Once Baking is completed and ssh 'd into raspberry pi. Connect RTL-SDR to the pi.

Step 5: To Check if the Pi is connected to the pi. type lsusb in the terminal.

Screenshot 2022-06-24 231940Screenshot 2022-06-24 2319401920×1020 50.8 KB Note: If you want to Scan your WIFI network to find the ip address of the Raspberry pi, i'd suggest you to use fing. Available in Android, Windows & Mac×2400 209 KB

Software Installation

Once OS installation is complete, open a teminal and enter the following commands:

Step 1: Updating & Upgrading the Software sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -y Step 2: Installing packages sudo apt-get install cmake git libusb-1.0 pkg-config rtl-sdr gr-osmosdr -y Step 3: Installing RTL-SDR drivers cd ~ git clone clear cd rtl-sdr sudo mkdir build cd build/ clear sudo cmake ../ -DDETACH_KERNEL_DRIVER=ON -DINSTALL_UDEV_RULES=ON sudo make sudo make install sudo ldconfig Step 4: Installing libacars-package clear cd ~ git clone cd libacars sudo mkdir build cd build sudo cmake .. sudo make sudo make install Step 5: Installing acarsdec Software clear cd ~ git clone cd acarsdec mkdir build cd build/ sudo cmake .. -Drtl=ON sudo make sudo make install ldconfig

Command List

Here are some of the Example commands on how to use Acarsdec.

To get started : sudo acarsdec -h

pi@piaware:~ $ sudo acarsdec -- h Need at least one of -a|-f|-r|-R options Acarsdec/acarsserv 3.5 Copyright (c) 2017 Thierry Leconte (libacars 2.1.4) Usage: acarsdec [-v] [-o lv] [-t time] [-A] [-b 'labels,..'] [-i station_id] [-n|-j|-N ipaddr:port] [-l logfile [-H|-D]] [-g gain] [-p ppm] -r rtldevicenumber f1 [f2] ... [fN] -v : verbose -i stationid : station id used in acarsdec network format. -A : don't display uplink messages (ie : only aircraft messages) -b filter : filter output by label (ex: -b "H1:Q0" : only output messages with label H1 or Q0) -o lv : output format : 0 : no log, 1 : one line by msg, 2 : full (default) , 3 : monitor , 4 : msg JSON, 5 : route JSON -t time : set forget time (TTL) in seconds for monitor mode (default=600s) -l logfile : append log messages to logfile (Default : stdout). -H : rotate log file once every hour -D : rotate log file once every day -n ipaddr:port : send acars messages to addr:port on UDP in planeplotter compatible format -N ipaddr:port : send acars messages to addr:port on UDP in acarsdec native format -j ipaddr:port : send acars messages to addr:port on UDP in acarsdec json format -g gain : set rtl gain in db (0 to 49.6; >52 and -10 will result in AGC; default is AGC) -p ppm : set rtl ppm frequency correction -m rtlMult : set rtl sample rate multiplier: 160 for 2 MS/s or 192 for 2.4 MS/s (default: 160) -r rtldevice f1 [f2]...[f8] : decode from rtl dongle number or S/N rtldevice receiving at VHF frequencies f1 and optionally f2 to f8 in Mhz (ie : -r 0 131.525 131.725 131.825 ) Up to 8 channels may be simultaneously decoded

Decoding single frequency : sudo acarsdec -r 0 131.725

Screenshot 2022-06-25 001933Screenshot 2022-06-25 0019331920×1020 39.1 KB

Decoding Multiple frequencies: sudo acarsdec -r 0 131.725 131.550

Saving log file: sudo acarsdec -r 0 131.725 -l Test.txt

Screenshot 2022-06-25 002529Screenshot 2022-06-25 0025291920×1020 34.9 KB Note: To open the file type the command " sudo nano Test.txt " to view. To close the View press ctrl+X.

Save log file once every hour automatically : sudo acarsdec -r 0 131.725 -H -l 1.txt

Save log file every day automatically : sudo acarsdec -r 0 131.725 -D -l 1.txt

Filter & Save log file based on label: sudo acarsdec -r 0 131.725 -b "H1:RA:Q0" -l 1.txt

Decoded ACARS Messages

Here are some of the ACARS Messages i’ve logged.

D-ATIS Message ( Arrival Ariport ) [#1 (F:131.725 L:-32.5 E:2) 07/06/2022 18:35:40.758 -------------------------------- Mode : 2 Label : A9 Id : D Nak Aircraft reg: 9V-TRM Reassembly: complete /BOMCDYA.TI2/VOHS ARR ATIS U 1830Z ATIS VOHS 071830 VOHS ATIS U 1830Z TRL FL85 / EXPECT RADAR VECTOR ILS APPROACH RUNWAY 27L. RUNWAY IN USE 27L. WIND 260/08KT MAX18KT VIS 6000M CLD SCT020 T28 DP18 QNH 1008HPA NOSIG FOR PRE DEPARTURE CLEARANCE CONTACT GROUND ON 121.85MHZ. AIRCRAFT EQUIPPED WITH ACARS CAN REQUEST CLEARANCE THROUGH DATALINK. CONFIRM ATIS U 3747 [#1 (F:131.725 L:-42.0 E:2) 10/06/2022 03:53:00.412 -------------------------------- Mode : 2 Label : A9 Id : J Nak Aircraft reg: 4R-ALH Reassembly: skipped A. ALL ARRIVALS TO VACATE RUNWAY VIA TAXIWAY R. IF UNABLE ADVISE APPROACH RADAR BY 10 NM FROM TOUCHDOWN . DEPARTING AIRCRAFT REQUIRING FULL LENGTH SHALL INFORM ATC PRIOR TO TAXI CONFIR ATIS I74DE [#1 (F:131.725 L:-40.3 E:1) 10/06/2022 23:43:37.568 -------------------------------- Mode : 2 Label : RA Id : B Nak Aircraft reg: VT-IXS Reassembly: skipped QUDELOZ6E~1WX UPLINK~ - WX RESPONSE 329I NO LATEST DATA FOR VOHS, PLEASE STANDBY FOR MANUAL RESPONSE END [#1 (F:131.725 L:-41.8 E:1) 12/06/2022 06:20:48.484 -------------------------------- Mode : 2 Label : RA Id : W Nak Aircraft reg: VH-ZNC Reassembly: in progress QUHDQONQF~1WXR01 ATIS ATIS YPDN H 120520 APCH:VISUAL RWY: 11 AND 36 SURFACE COND: OPR INFO:RPAS OPS 1 MILE SOUTH NOT ABOVE 150 FT LAHSO WIND:07010KT VIS:8000 WX:FU IN THE AREA CLD:NO SIGNI ETB [#1 (F:131.725 L:-42.0 E:3) 12/06/2022 07:25:52.531 -------------------------------- Mode : 2 Label : A9 Id : T Nak Aircraft reg: VT-ISC Reassembly: in progress /BOMCDYA.TI2/VOMM ARR ATIS P 0702Z ATIS VOMM 120703 VOMM ATIS P 0702Z I L S APPROACH RWY RUNWAY 2 5 TRANSITION LEVEL FLIGHT LEVEL 5 5 TAXIWAY BRAVO CLOSED BETWEEN TAXIWAY ECHO AND TAXIWAY MIKE. WIND 2 6 0 D ETB[#1 (F:131.725 L:-42.1 E:2) 12/06/2022 07:25:56.300 -------------------------------- Mode : 2 Label : A9 Id : U Nak Aircraft reg: VT-ISC Reassembly: in progress EGREES 1 0 KNOTS VISIBILITY 6 KILOMETERS CLOUD SCATTERED 2000 FEET T 3 7 DP 2 5 Q N H 1 0 0 4 Q F E 1 0 0 3 METAR 0 7 0 0 TREND NO SIGNIFICANT CHANGE DO NOT MISTAKE TAMBARAM AIRFIELD FOR CHENNAI ETB [#1 (F:131.725 L:-40.3 E:0) 13/06/2022 07:47:27.453 -------------------------------- Mode : 2 Label : A9 Id : K Nak Aircraft reg: VT-IAQ Reassembly: complete /BOMCDYA.TI2/VECC ARR ATIS C 0730Z ATIS VECC 130741 VECC ATIS C 0730ZRWY19L TRL FL55 / EXPECT CAT 1 ILS ZULU APPROACH RWY 19L. WIND 190/13KT VIS HZ CLD SCT 018 SCT 100 T36 DP27 QNH 1001HPA NOSIG QFE 1001 HPA. ALL ARRIVALS TO VACATE RUNWAY VIA TWY R. IF UNABLE ADVISE APPROACH RADAR BY 10 NM FROM TOUCHDOWN. DEPARTING AIRCRAFT REQUIRING FULL LENGTH SHALL INFORM ATC PRIOR TO TAXI. CONFIR ATIS C 1BC5 Weather Report [#1 (F:131.725 L:-34.4 E:0) 07/06/2022 19:34:15.726 -------------------------------- Mode : 2 Label : C1 Id : Q Ack : 9 Aircraft reg: VT-PPV Reassembly: complete .SINGMXS 071934 AGM AN .VT-PPV/GL VTZ1 - WEATHER REPORT SA 07/19:30 METAR VOMM 071930Z 24013KT 6000 FEW020 31/27 Q1003 NOSIG= SA 07/19:30 METAR VOBL 071930Z 27012KT 6000 SCT012 SCT080 23/21 Q1012 NOSIG= [#1 (F:131.725 L:-41.8 E:2) 10/06/2022 00:50:35.552 -------------------------------- Mode : 2 Label : RA Id : C Nak Aircraft reg: VT-IHZ Reassembly: skipped QUDELAS6E~1 FIRST METAR WILL BE AVL AT 0200Z EXPECT NOSIG WX [#1 (F:131.725 L:-39.6 E:0) 12/06/2022 23:00:44.550 -------------------------------- Mode : 2 Label : 33 Id : V Nak Aircraft reg: HZ-AR12 Reassembly: complete :OPS MESSAGE "WMKK/KUL KUALA LUMPUR/SEPANG INTL SA 122230 VRB02KT 9000 FEW008 FEW017CB 26/24 Q1009 NOSIG= FC WX NOT AVAILABLE FT 121700 1218/1400 VRB03KT 9999 FEW017CB PROB30 TEMPO 1222/1302 3000 TSRA FEW010 FEW016CB SCT018= WSSS/SIN SINGAPORE/CHANGI SA 122230 35004KT 8000 TS FEW014 FEW016CB SCT025 BKN300 26/24 Q1010 TEMPO FM2250 TL2320 3000 TSRA BECMG FM2320 TL0000 NSW= FC WX NOT AVAILABLE FT 122245 1223/1400 25007KT 9999 FEW015 SCT020 TEMPO 1223/1302 3000 TSRA FEW012CB BKN015= VOMM/MAA CHENNAI INTL SA 122230 27008KT 4000 BR SCT020 FEW025TCU BKN100 28/25 Q1006 NOSIG= FC 122000 1221/1306 25010KT 6000 SCT020 SCT100 TEMPO 1300/1303 5000 BR= FT 121700 1218/1324 25010KT 6000 SCT020 SCT100 TEMPO 1300/1303 5000 BR TEMPO 1309/1315 SCT020 FEW025TCU/CB SCT100 BECMG 1312/1313 18010KT BECMG 1318/1319 25010KT= VCBI/CMB KATUNAYAKE/BAN. INT AP COLOMBO SA 122210 VRB03KT 9999 FEW017 25/24 Q1009 NOSIG= FC WX NOT AVAILABLE FT 121700 1218/1324 23006KT 9999 FEW017 TX31/1307Z TN25/1300Z PROB30 TEMPO 1222/1302 7000 -TSRA/SHRA SCT016 FEW020CB= " [#1 (F:131.725 L:-38.5 E:0) 13/06/2022 06:55:02.265 -------------------------------- Mode : 2 Label : H1 Id : M Nak Aircraft reg: VT-TDT Sublabel: M1 Reassembly: in progress NO PIREPS FOUND FOR VTBD /WXVOPB,130622,METAR: METAR VOPB 130630Z VRB04KT 6000 SCT014 SCT220 31/25 Q1007 NOSIG ,TAF: TAF VOPB 130600Z 1309/1318 23007KT 6000 SCT014 SCT090 BECMG 1312/1314 VRB02KT 5000 BR,PIRE>ETB ADS-C Messages [#1 (F:131.725 L:-29.3 E:1) 07/06/2022 19:44:31.412 -------------------------------- Mode : 2 Label : B6 Id : 6 Nak Aircraft reg: HS-THC Flight id: TG0318 No: J55A Reassembly: skipped /CCUCAYA.ADS.HS-THC070C8FC9D9B30A0269B41F160003271940480060170C21E9E7EECA0244B00C508073C78820118851030E2590DFC0000F2559A9C000102A121E440D0C71C1DD6A8A0241390C57F9E0B60A02406B68 ADS-C message: Basic report: Lat: 17.6648140 Lon: 83.2674408 Alt: 40996 ft Time: 2669.000 sec past hour (:44:29.000) Position accuracy:






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